Like all areas of training, such as upper-body training and core strength training, lower body exercise is just as important.
Lower body exercises will increase your strength and help you maintain healthy bones and joints.
In this article, For Kids has gathered the top 30 lower body exercises and quad workouts for anyone to do at home or anywhere.
The following lower body workouts include exercises for the buttocks, hips, thighs and legs.
Train with your kids daily, while following the steps below, to get into shape.
30 lower body exercises for kids
Here are 30 lower body strengthening exercises to train the hamstrings, quadriceps and calf muscles (the main muscles of the lower limbs).
1. The Plié
- Stand with your heels together and then turn your toes out as far as you can. The goal is to turn your toes away from each other, as if to form a straight line.
- Slowly bend your knees to the sides, dropping your bottom towards the floor.
- Hold your body in this down position before slowly coming back to a standing position.
- Repeat this movement 20 times.
2. Squats
This is one of the quad workouts that strengthen the quadriceps muscles found within the thighs.
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forward.
- Bend your knees as if you were going to sit back in a chair, while slowly counting “1, 2, 3, 4” until your thighs are as close to parallel to the floor as possible.
- Hold this pose for two seconds and then straighten your legs to the starting position.
- Repeat this exercise 20 times.
3. The Elevé
- In a standing position, hold onto a steady surface.
- Starting with your feet in a turned-out position, rise to the balls of your feet.
- Lower back into the starting position.
- Perform this lower body exercise as many times as you can.
4. The Rond de Jambe
- Stand with your weight on your right leg.
- Lift your left foot slightly, and with your toes pointed and still touching the floor, circle your foot slowly from the front of your body to the back, skimming the floor with your toe.
- Return the foot to the starting position and then repeat the complete movement 10 times before switching to your other leg.
- Repeat the movement 10 times with the second leg.
5. Lunge
- In a standing position with your hands on your hips and your feet shoulder-width apart, take a large step forward with your right leg.
- Slowly bend your knees until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Both knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle and the right knee shouldn’t pass the tips of your toes.
- Slowly lift your body and step back into the starting position, pushing through the heel of your right foot.
- Repeat this movement with the same leg 30 times and then switch legs.
6. Walking Lunge
- In a standing position with your hands on yours hips and your feet shoulder-width apart, take a large step forward with your right leg.
- Slowly bend your knees until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Both knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle, and the right knee shouldn’t pass the tips of your toes.
- Slowly lift your body and step forward with your left leg into a lunge.
- Repeat this exercise 30 times, remembering to alternate legs.
7. Squat Walk
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forward.
- Bend your knees as if you were going to sit back in a chair, while slowly counting “1, 2, 3, 4” until your thighs are as close to parallel to the floor as possible.
- Hold this position as you walk forward four steps and then backward four steps to where you started.
- Repeat the whole series of movements 10 times.
8. Sit Kicks
- Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat. Place your hands palms down on the floor behind you.
- Lean back slightly and extend your right leg off the floor into a kick.
- Kick 30 times with this leg before switching legs, and then kick 30 times with the second leg.
Variation: This exercise can be done by alternating the leg that kicks, too.
9. Temper Tantrum
- Lie face-down on the floor with your arms outstretched past your head and your legs extended long.
- Quickly begin to alternate kicks, bringing your heels toward your bottom.
- Do this exercise repeatedly for one minute.
10. Scuttle Bug

- Begin in a crawling position with your hands and feet on the floor and your bottom pointing towards the ceiling.
- Crawl several steps forward, backward and sideways. This is a great exercise for your upper body, too!
- Do this exercise repeatedly for one minute.
11. Inner-Thigh Lifts
- Lie on your right side with your right leg straight.
- Bend your left knee and place your left foot on the floor behind your right knee.
- Rest your head in your right hand or on your outstretched right arm.
- Keeping your right leg straight and your toes pulled in, slowly raise your leg up towards your left knee.
- Pull your belly button back toward your spine.
- Hold your leg in the up position before slowly lowering it to the floor.
- Repeat this workout 20 times and then switch legs.
12. Imaginary Bicycle
- Lie on your back with your feet up in the air.
- Pedal your feet as if you were pedaling a bicycle.
- Pedal fast, slow, backward and wide-legged, continuing for one minute.
13. Bridge
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and the bottoms of your feet flat on the floor.
- Lift your hips off the floor as high as possible, and count to 10.
- Slowly lower your body back to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise five times.
14. Bottom Walking
- Sit on the floor with your legs outstretched in front of you.
- Lift your right hip up and forward, and then your left hip up and forward, so that you’re “walking” forward.
- Walk a few steps forward 10 times and then backward 10 times.
Variation: Have the children Bottom Walk with their hands on their hips and with their arms outstretched to the sides, to see how each change of position affects their movement.
15. Crab Walk
This exercise is good for all kids and parents, too!
- Sit on the floor with your knees bent, your feet flat on the floor and your hands flat and behind your body.
- Lift your hips off the floor, supporting yourself on your feet and hands.
- Walk backward and forward for one minute.
16. Crab Kicks
- Start in the Crab Walk position (#15), with your bottom up off the floor and your knees at right angles to it.
- Kick up your right leg and then your left leg.
- Count how many kicks you can do in one minute.
17. Heel to Bottom
Props: A countertop or a chair for each participant
- Stand, holding on to a kitchen counter or a chair for balance, for this exercise.
- Bend your right leg and bring your right heel toward your bottom.
- Try this 30 times and then switch legs.
18. Kneeling Kickbacks
- Kneel on all fours.
- While keeping your right knee bent at a 90-degree angle, slowly lift your right leg until your thigh is parallel to the floor.
- Pause for a moment and then slowly lower your leg back to the floor.
- Repeat this movement 10 times and then switch legs.
19. Towel Slide
Props: A towel for each participant
Note: This exercise is ideal for toddlers. It works best on hardwood floors or other slippery surfaces.
- Stand with a towel under your left foot.
- Lean back slightly, bending your right knee, and slide your left leg out to the side while keeping your left knee straight.
- Slide your left leg back to the center and then return to the standing position.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times and then switch sides.
20. Step Dip

Prop: A step
- Sit on a bottom step, feet on the floor, and grasp the front edge of the step with both hands.
- Slide your bottom off the step while walking your feet forward a little, but keep your hands in place on the step.
- Slowly bend your elbows and lower your hips until your shoulders are in line with your elbows.
- Push back up to the starting position again. See if you can do 10 Step Dips.
21. Wall Sitting
Prop: A wall
- Stand with your back to the wall and your feet parallel to each other.
- Keep your back straight against the wall.
- Bend your knees to slide slowly down the wall. Your lower leg should remain parallel to the wall.
- Hold this position as long as you can and then slide back up the wall.
- Repeat this fitness training for kids five times.
22. Sofa Lifts
Prop: A sofa
- Lie on your back on the floor, with your heels and ankles on the edge of the sofa.
- Bend your knees slightly and have your arms at your sides.
- Press your left heel into the sofa and bend your right knee in towards your chest.
- Lift your torso off of the floor. Hold this position for five seconds and then lower your torso to the floor.
- Begin again, with your legs switching roles.
- Repeat the entire sequence 10 times.
23. Kneeling Side Kicks
- Begin on all fours. Balance on your right knee and both hands.
- Lift your left knee up off the floor and out to the side. Hold your left knee at hip height.
- Extend and bend your left leg 10 times.
- Return to the starting position and then switch sides.
24. Leg Circles
- Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and your arms outstretched to your sides.
- Extend your right leg into the air and slowly draw an imaginary circle with that foot.
- Keep your torso as still as possible. Repeat your circle 30 times and then lower your leg.
- Switch legs to draw a circle with your other foot, and repeat that circle 30 times.
25. Supine Leg Slide
Props: Two towels for each participant
Note: This exercise works best on hardwood floors or other slippery surfaces.
- Lie on your back with your knees bent and a towel under each foot.
- Lift your hips slightly off the floor, press into your left heel, slide that foot and straighten the leg.
- Bend your left knee and slide that leg back in as you slide your right leg out, keeping your hips lifted.
- Repeat this exercise for kids 10 times per leg.
26. Reverse Froggie
- Lie face-down on the floor with your heels together. Your knees should be bent and turned out.
- Pull your belly button in, draw your tailbone down and rest your forehead on your hands.
- Keeping your heels together, contract your bottom’s muscles to lift your thighs off the ground.
- Hold yourself in the up position for 15 seconds and then release.
- Repeat this exercise five times.
27. Stair Climbing
Prop: A set of stairs
Be sure to find a long set of steps, and it’s even better if the stairs are outside.
- Run up the steps but walk back down the steps (it’s better for your knees).
- Repeat this for five minutes.
28. Resistant Leg Lifts
Props: A chair for each pair
Divide the group into pairs or have the players choose partners.
- Have your partner sit tall in a chair, bending their legs at the knees.
- Place your hand gently on the top of your partner’s thigh, just above their knee.
- As your partner slowly brings their knee up, gently press their thigh down.
- Hold the resistance for 15 seconds and repeat the lift five times before switching legs.
- Finally, switch roles and repeat the whole process in the new roles.
29. Hamstring Curls with Resistance
Divide the group into pairs or have the players choose partners.
- Have your partner lie facedown on the floor, with their arms down at their sides.
- Have your partner bend at the knee, one leg at a time, while bringing one heel towards their bottom.
- Place your hand on your partner’s ankle and provide light resistance as they bring their leg up.
- Repeat this exercise 10 times before switching legs.
- Switch roles and repeat the exercise 10 times while you both perform the new roles.
30. Bridge Partner
Divide the group into pairs or have the players choose partners.
- Your partner begins on all fours. You lie on your back on the floor, placing the heels of your feet on top of your partner’s back, with your toes pointing towards the ceiling.
- Pull your belly button towards your spine and flatten your lower back into the floor. Keep your arms outstretched to your sides on the floor.
- Press your hips up off the floor and squeeze your bottom, while pressing the heels of your feet into your partner’s back.
- Press upward until your legs and hips are in line with your torso.
- Hold this position for 15 seconds and then slowly release, lowering your body to the starting position.
- Repeat this process 10 times and then switch roles.
Note: If one partner is taller than the other, particularly if one partner is an adult, that partner may have to drop onto their elbows so the shorter partner can place the heels of their feet on the taller partner’s back.
image 1: Freepik; image 2: Quinn Dombrowski; image 3: Pixabay